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911 Operator: 911, for what city?
Caller: Campbell River
911 Operator: Do you require police, fire, or ambulance?
Caller: An ambulance. Right away please. It’s my dad and he’s tripped and banged his head. He’s not moving. He’s just lying here.
911 Operator: What’s your address?
Caller: It’s 3421 Alder St., across from Sunset Park.
911 Operator: Can you repeat that for verification please?
Caller: 3421 Alder St.
911 Operator: Okay. I’m dispatching an ambulance now. But please stay on the line and remain calm.
Caller: Hurry. He doesn’t look good. He’s not moving.
911 Operator: Help is on the way. Now don’t hang up. Stay with me while I ask you a few questions. What’s your father’s name?
Caller: William Gunn.
Operator: That’s G-U-N-N right?
Caller: That’s correct.
911 Operator: Can you tell me what happened?
Caller: We were watching TV and he got up to go to the bathroom and he tripped on something and hit his head on the corner of the table.

Hello 911. Do you have a problem?

Yes, my friend has fallen off the roof!

Off the roof? Is he badly hurt? What were you doing on the roof?

We were cleaning it. He is on the ground in the flower bed. He is bleeding, but he seems to be okay.

We will send someone immediately. Is your address 6 Main Street – that’s the information we have in our computer.

Yes, that’s right. The big house on the corner. Please hurry.

Do you think your friend has a broken leg, or arm? Is he moving at all?

He is moving and he is even smiling and saying he is fine. But I told him not to move.

The ambulance is on its way. Your friend shouldn’t try to move, stand, or sit up.

I ‘m sitting next to him right now. He doesn’t seem to be in pain.

Excellent. I think your friend was very lucky.

Oh, I hear the ambulance close by.

Good. I hope that everything will turn out well. Take care next time when you work on the roof.

I will. In fact, I am in such shock, I don’t think I’ll go onto the roof ever again.

Good idea, so I suppose you will have to find someone else to clear your roof.

Yes, I suppose so. Well, goodbye and thank you for helping me.

  Click to listen highlighted text! 911 Operator: 911, for what city? Caller: Campbell River 911 Operator: Do you require police, fire, or ambulance? Caller: An ambulance. Right away please. It’s my dad and he’s tripped and banged his head. He’s not moving. He’s just lying here. 911 Operator: What’s your address? Caller: It’s 3421 Alder St., across from Sunset Park. 911 Operator: Can you repeat that for verification please? Caller: 3421 Alder St. 911 Operator: Okay. I’m dispatching an ambulance now. But please stay on the line and remain calm. Caller: Hurry. He doesn’t look good. He’s not moving. 911 Operator: Help is on the way. Now don’t hang up. Stay with me while I ask you a few questions. What’s your father’s name? Caller: William Gunn. Operator: That’s G-U-N-N right? Caller: That’s correct. 911 Operator: Can you tell me what happened? Caller: We were watching TV and he got up to go to the bathroom and he tripped on something and hit his head on the corner of the table. Operator: Hello 911. Do you have a problem? Man: Yes, my friend has fallen off the roof! Operator: Off the roof? Is he badly hurt? What were you doing on the roof? Man: We were cleaning it. He is on the ground in the flower bed. He is bleeding, but he seems to be okay. Operator: We will send someone immediately. Is your address 6 Main Street – that’s the information we have in our computer. Man: Yes, that’s right. The big house on the corner. Please hurry. Operator: Do you think your friend has a broken leg, or arm? Is he moving at all? Man: He is moving and he is even smiling and saying he is fine. But I told him not to move. Operator: The ambulance is on its way. Your friend shouldn’t try to move, stand, or sit up. Man: I ‘m sitting next to him right now. He doesn’t seem to be in pain. Operator: Excellent. I think your friend was very lucky. Man: Oh, I hear the ambulance close by. Operator: Good. I hope that everything will turn out well. Take care next time when you work on the roof. Man: I will. In fact, I am in such shock, I don’t think I’ll go onto the roof ever again. Operator: Good idea, so I suppose you will have to find someone else to clear your roof. Man: Yes, I suppose so. Well, goodbye and thank you for helping me.